Conference Theme Sessions related to WGIMT goals
Zooplankton diversity through space and time. Convenors: Katja Peijnenbrg, Erica Goetze, Galice Hoarau, Mathew Miller. Ocean Sciences Meeting (OSM) 2022 (Hawaii; February 27 - March 4, 2022)
Name that species: Toward a new global view of species diversity of marine zooplankton. Convenors: Silke Laakmann (Germany) , Leocadio Blanco-Bercial (Bermuda), Katja Peijnenburg (Netherlands), and Ann Bucklin (USA). ASLO 2021 Aquatic Sciences Meeting (June 22-27, 2021)
New approaches to the understanding of energy transfer through the food webs. Convenors: Janna Peters (Germany) , Marie Johannsen (Sweden) and Hildur Petursdottir (Iceland). ICES ASC (Gothenburg, Sweden; September 9-12, 2019)
Molecules and morphology: integrative taxonomic analysis of marine planktonic assemblages, Session co-chairs: Pennie Lindeque (UK), Lidia Yebra (Spain), Ann Bucklin (USA). ICES Annual Science Conference (Hamburg, Germany; September 22-26, 2018)
Rediscovering marine biodiversity: progress, promise, and challenges of metabarcoding of microbes to mammals. Session co-chairs: Ann Bucklin (USA), Leocadio Blanco-Bercial (Bermuda), Ryuji Machida (Taiwan). Ocean Sciences Meeting (Portland, Oregon, USA; February 16-20, 2018)
Microbes to mammals: metabarcoding of the marine pelagic assemblage. Convenors: Ann Bucklin (UConn, USA), Rowena Stern (SAHFOS, UK), Katja Metfies (AWI, Germany) Theme Session C. ICES Annual Science Conference (Fort Lauderdale, FL; 9/18-21/2017)
Integrative Taxonomy of Marine Animals: Progress, Prospects and Pitfalls. ASLO/AGU/TOS 2014 Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, USA. Convenor(s): Ann Bucklin (USA)
Complexity and Structure of Planktonic Food Webs: Who really eats whom? Convenors: Elaine Fileman (UK) Janna Peters (Germany) Pennie Lindeque (UK) Ann Bucklin (USA) ICES ASC, Reykjavik.